Parker Penelope
Back in November, we got quite a chuckle when the Facebook universe reacted to us posting this picture of Lady Belle announcing that she was going to be a big sister. We received countless congratualatory notes and a few questions. Luckily, most people picked up on the fact that we were adding four legs to our family, not just two.

On 12/12/14 (so close to being an awesome date...) we brought our little bundle of joy home. Parker Penelope Swimadoo stepped her first foot into the #601 and Lady Belle was instantly in love.
She has been the perfect big sister. She allows Parker to jump all over her, nibble on her ears and LB even shares all of her favorite toys and antlers with her baby sister. Lady Belle is very protective of her Parker and very careful when she interacts with her. We couldn't be happier with how well our gentle giant is adapting to sisterhood.
The girls have become fast friends and couldn't be more enamored with each other. Parker has been a wonderful addition to our family!

Parker has been such a good girl (so far!). She's been a champ with potty training and according to her vet, she's supery healthy.
We are currently housesitting/dogsitting so Parker has been able to spend lots of time with Lady Belle's bestfriends Layla and Kingston. Luckily, she holds her own against 3 big ole labs. Although she's super small (less than 7 pounds now), she's very vocal and doesn't hestitate before jumping into a scuff. Of course all of this hard playing leads to lots of this...

Welcome to our family Parker! Mommies and your big sister couldn't be happier!