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2016 Recap

I hate to describe 2016 as a roller coaster of a year because that's so cliche, but that's exactly what it was.

Let me try a different approach, 2016 was like an ATV ride through the muddy foothills of North Carolina.


Ferry Ride From Hell, Mexico

2016 was like the ferry ride from hell crossing from the island of Cozumel to the Yucatan Peninsula. The kind where a certain someone barfs all over your leg and there are people upchucking all around you.

If you've done either of those, you know how rough they can be. If not, stick with the roller coaster cliche.

But we survived.

Speaking of the Yucatan, this spring we visited three more countries. We explored caves in Mexico, visited the Mayan ruins of Xunantunich in Belize (where Elle collected more green rocks) with our friends Jason and Dave, and went stand up paddle boarding and spent the day with family at our new favorite place, Little French Key on Roatan, Honduras. We fell in love with LFK! We got to play with monkeys and a baby jaglion cub! For those keeping track (like we are!) that makes 6 countries that we've visited together (Aruba, Bonaire, Turks & Caicos, Mexico, Honduras & Belize).

Rio Secreto, Mexico

Xunantunich, San Ignacio, Belize

Little French Key, Isla de Roatan, Honduras

Elle & her Monkey Baby

A Jaglion Cub trying to eat Ashley's Face

When we returned from the Western Caribbean, our poor Cricket was not doing well. We took her to the vet and discovered that she was full of cancer. After 2 weeks feeding her with a syringe and countless tears we said our goodbyes.

Cricket Amelia Swim

This summer we went on our first camping trip. We threw our new tent in the trunk, loaded up the girls and headed to the panhandle, home of Florida Black Bears, numerous springs and the Central Time Zone. It was hot. Dreadfully hot. We set up the tent in 100+ temperatures. The pups were so patient with us as we threw our base camp home as quickly as we could. They enjoyed hitting the trails and spending time in the river. Even Parker, who hates the water, swam like a little fish.

Parker & LB Seeking Shelter from the Rain in our Tent

We spent the 4th of July in North Carolina riding ATVs, relaxing in the lake and spending time with family. On this trip Ashley found the perfect riding partner; Parker. Our little pup had the biggest grin on her face as the girls kicked up red clay all over the hillside. Parker had a blast this summer camping, huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day.

Parker & Ashley on the 4 Wheeler

Exploring the Muddy Trails on the Gator with Jacob

In September we took a road trip up to Atlanta so Ashley could see one last game at Turner Field. We spent time exploring all that the city had to offer visiting the College Football Hall of Fame, Centennial Park, CNN, and the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library. Unfortunately we weren't able to visit MLK's house this time.

Ashley loves Chipper!

Tim Tebow at the College Football Hall of Fame

Babraham Lincoln at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library

The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library

In October we experienced our first hurricane. Hurricane Matthew was a Category 2 with winds of 110 MPH. The storm was just 40 miles east of Jacksonville Beach, or about 50 miles from us, as the crow flies. We spent 3 days "hunkered down" with our friend Amiee, her two kids and her two dogs. Thankfully we had minimal damage and never lost power.

Hurricane Matthew, Alright, Alright, Alright

While Amiee was staying with us we introduced her to one of our favorite shows, New Girl. On the show the characters play a drinking came called True American. It's like a life-size version of Candyland but with a lot of drinking, throwing beer cans, yelling and a bit of trivia sprinkled in. We hosted a post-election party in November where we played the game with some of our friends.

Our True American Party

We had a blast and will most definitely be hosting another True American party in 2017.

We celebrated Christmas with the Swim clan this year. We spent the day shoving cookies in our face, playing games and testing out Olivia's new kayak in the living room.

Christmas 2016

So there you have it... our 2016.

Ashley has been working for the same Lawn Care company for 2 1/2 years. She enjoys the challenges of running the office and loves bossing grown men around.

Elle is in her 4th year of teaching. In May she learned that she would be switching from Kindergarten to Second Grade. It took a few weeks to get into the swing of things but she now loves Second Grade; mostly because they are more independent, there are less tears and they can tie their own shoes.

I think it's safe to say that we're both ready for this year to be over. We're both optimistic that 2017 will be a much better year for us. In 2017 we will be visiting Washington State, Alaska and western Canada.

Meet the Girls 

We are Elle & Ashley...

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