...And Ricochet Makes 5!

Well, we've gone and done it. Our small family has grown once more! We've recently become a 5 child household. Cricket, Lady Belle and Parker were all planned... Louis not so much but nothing was more of a surprise than our newest addition to the family.
This weekend we went to the Alhambra Dinner Theatre to see their production of Dolly Parton's "9 to 5". Poor Ashley was devastated that the "Real Dolly" wouldn't be there, but little did we know, something bigger than Dolly would happen to us that day. The play was wonderful, the cast was energetic and charismatic and we shared a table with four lovely, little old ladies.
Our lives changed as we were pulling out of the parking lot to head home. As the traffic whizzed by us, Elle caught a glimpse of something beyond sickening. Someone threw a kitten out of their window driving about 50 MPH. The kitten hit the pavement face first, crossed two lanes of traffic and scurried into some bushes near our car. Within moments of this terrifying event, the kitten was in our arms and we were heading to the hospital.
We immediately knew she was ours. She belonged with us, we both felt it immediately. As if the fact the kitten practically fell out of the sky and landed at our feet wasn’t enough, the precious little baby had the same markings as our other fur babies; a black coat with a white patch of fur on her chest. It was meant to be.

The above picture was taken as soon as we got her in the car.
The kitten purred all the way to the vet. She seemed so happy despite what she had just been through. The vet was amazed by how little trauma our baby received. She had a little bit of road rash on her face, just above her lip, from where she face planted into the center lane of Beach Boulevard. A few of her claws had split from the impact of hitting the road, but other than a little blood, she was perfect.
And she was ours. Our perfect little, unexpected, bundle of joy.
We considered naming her Dolly in honor of the play that we had just seen but her personality called for something a bit more spunky. This little girl is all over the place. She jumps from shelf to shelf in the office, she’s attempted to climb the blinds in the library and she managed to find a perfect napping place in our closet… on top of the hangers hanging from the shelf. She’s a mess.
She’s our Crash “Ricochet”.

As far as our other girls go? Lady Belle could care less if she has another sibling. Louis, obviously, feels the same way. Cricket has been surprisingly maternal towards the new kitten and the two cats get along really well! They spend most of their time together in the office.
Parker on the other hand… Parker (who turns 1 tomorrow!) is absolutely obsessed with her baby sister. She wants to be around her at all times. She lays outside the office door when the door is closed or if the baby gate is up. If Ricochet makes her way out of the office, Parker is ½ a step behind. She wants desperately to play with Ricochet, but the baby isn’t quite ready for that yet.

Who would have thought we’d be a 5 kid household? And even more... who would have though Ashley would become so quickly attached to a cat? Welcome to our family little Ricochet!