Saying Goodbye to Cricket

Cricket Amelia Swim 2001-2016
Elle first met Cricket when she went to to visit with a neighbor friend. She immediately fell in love with the adorable, feisty, curious little kitten. She brought her home the very same day. Unfortunately, Cricket was unwell when she first came to live with her new family. Elle had to feed her cat milk from an eyedropper just to get her to eat. Being the fighter that she was, Cricket overcame her illness and grew to be a healthy, strong-willed, independent cat.
Cricket was very choosy as to whom she would allow to be around her. She didn't like most people, in fact, most people who came to visit never got a chance to see her. She simply wasn't interested. She actually didn't even like Ashley when she first met her but the two bonded over the last four years and Cricket often snuck into bed with Ashley to get cuddles.
When we moved into our house, Cricket became more visible. Rather than staying in "her room" she began to become very sociable. We frequently caught her snuggling with Parker and playing with Ricochet. Naturally, she'd walk away as soon as she was busted.
At the end of March Cricket fell ill and was no longer able to eat her normal cat food. She slowly digressed to eating milk from an eyedropper, just as she did when she was a baby. On Thursday, April 7th, 2016 Cricket left us for a much better place. Although the house feels empty without her, we know that she's healthy and happy in kitty heaven.
RIP Cricket Amelia. We all love and miss you.