Mercy (Huntin', Fishin' & Lovin' Every Day)

For months we've been saying that Lady Belle and Parker are 4 legged versions of our selves. Ashley and Parker are daring and stubborn, yet affectionate at the same time. They are shit stirrers. If everything is peaceful they love to dive in and cause chaos. Elle and Lady Belle are a bit more timid and cautious, easy going and not as cuddly. They like to get their feet wet before they dive all in. Oh...and they're just as stubborn. According to Ashley we're also both obsessed with her and we "huff" a lot. These similarities have become more and more evident as we've taken the girls on road trips throughout the summer. You see, Parker had never been on a road trip until recently. This year we included her on our traditional 4th of July weekend at Lake James in NC. There's nothing quite like the sights and sounds of the Redneck Riviera. Friday afternoon we began the drive from sea level to mountainside. Thank goodness for the back roads because I-95 and I-26 were plagued with wreck after wreck. Once we hit the South Carolina border we hopped on Highway 321 and enjoyed the scenery of small town USA. Ashley loves coming up to North Carolina to visit her family. She loves the laid back atmosphere and is fascinated by the "culture". Each time we come up we have "WTF?" moments where we see something that we had only read about. Ashley's favorite thing about spending time in "the country" is all of the "toys". Each time we visit Ashley tears up the countryside. Whether it be in a golf cart, an ATV, jet skis or a side-by-side, you can find her hovering above the hum of an engine. We had a blast blazing through trails and cutting through the woods on the side-by-side.

On this trip Ashley found the perfect riding partner; Parker. Our little pup had the biggest grin on her face as the girls kicked up red clay all over the hillside. Parker has had a blast this summer camping, huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day.

As nice as it is to visit, we're glad to be back where people haul ass on the streets and coffee is served 7 days a week.