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Parks & Rex

As many of you know, last September we rescued a little kitten after watching him being tossed out of a car window on Beach Blvd. Although we weren't looking to add to our family, we took one look at him and knew he was ours. We named him Ricochet and he immediately fit in with our family of 5. If you go back and read Ricochet's rescue story, ...And Ricochet Makes 5, you'll notice we refer to him as "she". No... our cat isn't transgendered...we just hadn't found his little baby wiener yet. The vet didn't discover that until they went to put a catheter in him for his spaying procedure. Our cat has a small penis, and we're okay with that.

Anyhow... Ricochet managed to warm his way into Cricket's heart, which was something that is difficult to do. The first couple months he lived with us, he spent much of his time in the office with his sister. After she passed away in April, Ricochet was a little lost, as was his mommy. Our little confused kitty decided to become one of the pups. I mean... he had already transitioned from a "she" to a "he" so why not transition from "cat" to "dog".

In the mornings when the alarm signaling the start of our day, Lady Belle, Parker and Ricochet all take off running to the sliding door to be let outside. When we pour the girls food into a bowl, he bolts into the office waiting for his breakfast as well. He plays with dog toys, wrestles like the dogs and even curls up with them for naps.

Lady Belle is very laid back and doesn't put up with a lot of nonsense, so she doesn't really tussle with Ricochet, however Parker treats him just like one of the pups. She wrestles with him, chases him around and Ricochet does the same. Parks and Rex are two peas in a pod.

Parker's mannerisms have changed since he's been around, as well. She now sleeps on the back of the couch like a cat would. She'll crawl up on the windowsill to look out the window with her brother and she's picked up some of his fight moves. Oh... and she's a fiend for catnip. We're looking into rehabs as we speak.

Parks and Rex... BFFs.

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We are Elle & Ashley...

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