1,461 Days

Our relationship by the numbers;
Homes: 3
Pets: 6 (Cricket, Lady Belle, Louis, Parker, Ricochet, Anna)
Countries Visited: 6 (Aruba, Bonaire, Turks & Caicos, Mexico, Honduras, & Belize)
States Visited: 5 (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina & Alabama)
Anniversaries spent at Mellow Mushroom: 4
What a year it's been! July 20th marks our 4th anniversary. Time seriously has flown by! We're a little older, a little heavier and our hearts are much more full. I think it's safe to say that we've adulted hardcore this year. We bought a new car, purchased new furniture and we're gardening. Freaking gardening! Nothing says "grown up" more than a yard full of green beans, peppers, onions and herbs.
This year we adopted a new little fur baby, Crash Ricochet, and we said goodbye to Cricket. And we acquired a freaking hamster. We went on (and survived) our first camping trip and added 3 new countries to our list of countries visited together when we paddle boarded in Honduras, visited ruins in Belize and explored ancient caves in Mexico. We even booked a trip to ALASKA (!!!!) for next summer.
It's been a pretty awesome year. I wonder what new adventures await us in the next 365 days?