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Preparing for Matthew

Florida hasn't had a major hurricane in many years. Any time we hear a meteorologist say that we need to prepare for tropical storm or a hurricane, we tend to laugh it off. In the past our provisions have comprised of beer, vodka, wine, mixers and maybe a couple of 20 oz bottles of water.

The last time our governor (known as Voldemort in our house) declared a State of Emergency, we had little more than a wind storm. We had a few downed trees in the area and had 2 inches of rain at the house, but at the end of the day Hermine turned out to be no worse than a normal storm.

The response to this storm is much different than any storms in recent history. The shelves at the store were nearly empty. There were only a few flashlights left at Wal*Mart and the batteries had nearly been wiped out. We picked up some staple groceries, a heavy-duty flashlight, several candles and some craft supplies just in case the power goes out.

As of right now, Hurricane Matthew is a Category Four. It's only Tuesday and we've already had almost 2 inches of rain today alone (from an unrelated storm). There are a few more days of rain yet to come. Hurricane Matthew is expected to impact us here on Thursday and Friday. If the storm is as bad as people are anticipating, we'll be heading to my parents house before things take a turn for the worse. They are well prepared and have plenty of room for us and the fur babies.

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