Hurricane Matthew: The Aftermath
The title makes our situation seem rather grim, but I assure you all that the family is doing just fine. The tail winds of the storm...
Hurricane Matthew Update Part Six
Hello again! The last we heard the storm had been downgraded to Category 2 with winds of 110 MPH. The storm is 40 miles east of...

Hurricane Matthew Part 5
Hello family and friends! Just a quick update on how we are progressing through the storm. We are at the height of the storm as I'm...

Hurricane Matthew Part 4
Good morning friends and family! Things are still really calm here on the First Coast. Matthew is approximately 125 miles south of us...

Hurricane Matthew Part 3
Hello family and friends! Just a quick update on how our hurricane preparation is going. As I stated before, we're all set on food,...

Hurricane Matthew Part 2
Day Two of hurricane preparation is underway. It rained all day and night and we're just getting started. So far we've had 3 inches of...

Preparing for Matthew
Florida hasn't had a major hurricane in many years. Any time we hear a meteorologist say that we need to prepare for tropical storm or a...