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Hurricane Matthew Part 3

Hello family and friends! Just a quick update on how our hurricane preparation is going. As I stated before, we're all set on food, water and beverages.

All of our outdoor patio furniture and decor has been brought inside and secured in the garage or the house. Including our LB statue that sits on the front porch.

A "Go Bag" has been packed with 2 days worth of clothes, leashes and Parker's travel water dish (since she refuses to drink out of a water bottle, faucet or anything of the sort.

Plenty of coffee has been brewed and is being stored in the fridge.

Our bath tubs have been bleached and filled with water.

Kongs are in the freezer along with a bowl of watered down beef broth to keep the pups occupied when they start to get restless.

We've been bagging ice and filling Ziplocs and Tupperware with water to freeze to create blocks of ice to add to the bags that we have purchased.

We've got plenty of drinking water (there's more) and a loaf of pumpkin bread.

Lighters, flashlights and lanterns are in a centralized location.

The closet has been cleared in case we need a safe spot to stay. We're heading to Lowes when Ashley gets home to get some boards for the back windows.

The storm is now supposed to hit us as a Category Four. Our friend Amiee and her two kids have joined us so they could be further away from the beach. We will keep you posted as often as we can.

We'll be fine.

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We are Elle & Ashley...

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