Hurricane Matthew Part 4

Good morning friends and family! Things are still really calm here on the First Coast. Matthew is approximately 125 miles south of us moving NNW at 14 MPH. The eye of the storm will stay further off the shore than originally projected. The storm is also expected to have dropped from a Cat 4 to a Cat 3 by the time it reaches us later this afternoon. Although we feel a bit more at ease that the storm has shifted a little bit further off the shore, we're well aware that the western wall of the storm is extremely dangerous and we're not taking things lightly.
The outer bands of the storm started belting us at about 5 this morning. According to our rain gauge we've received 5 inches from the nor'easter that we've been dealing with since Wednesday. Our windows are boarded up and we've been enjoying Netflix and Hulu while we still have power.
So far the only issue we've had is trying to get the pups to go potty on the newspapers we've laid down for them in the garage. Lady Belle is extremely good about not having accidents in the house so she's going to struggle with this later today. Luckily there was a break between the bands and we were able to let all 4 pups out to do their business. Yes... I said 4. Our friend Amiee, her two kids and their 2 chihuahuas joined us yesterday.
Our phones, laptops and iPads are fully charged, don't you worry your pretty little heads. We're off to make breakfast. Keep us in your thoughts.