Following Big Footsteps in Belize
The second stop on our cruise was Belize. We took a tender into Belize City which, at this point, doesn't have much to offer visitors. ...

Exploring Rio Secreto
Hello! We're back from Frankenstein's birthday cruise to the Western Caribbean. Our first stop was Cozumel, Mexico. After going back...

Our 2015 Recap
2015 was a huge year for us, we went on several adventures, moved into a new home and lost 3 people that were near and dear to us. ...

Christmas with the Swimadoo's
We're terrible with surprises. We have a 4 year track record of digging into presents a little too early and this year wasn't any...

Swim Family Christmas- 2015
There's nothing quite like Christmas at the Swim House. Presents are piled on top of each other like Tetris cubes, tucked away in every...

The Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney With Care...
It's hard to believe that three Christmases have passed since we first met. Three years ago, the only Christmas decorations we had were...

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Threw up all over the house)
Pssst... here's a sneak peek at our Christmas decor. The first thing we set up each year is our Christmas tree. We had every intention...

Family Photo Session
Fa la la la la, la la la la! It's Christmas time aka Family Portrait time. Now that the kids are a little older (and better listeners),...

It's Fall Ya'll!
Autumn is here! It's our favorite season; football, pumpkin flavored everything, cooler weather, turkey , cranberries, and more! We...

...And Ricochet Makes 5!
Well, we've gone and done it. Our small family has grown once more! We've recently become a 5 child household. Cricket, Lady Belle and...